Witton Gilbert Primary School


In this section of the website, you will find information about our approach to teaching Computing at Witton Gilbert Primary School.

Computing Long Term Overview

Computing Progression Overview


At Witton Gilbert, our intent for the Computing curriculum is to equip all our pupils with the essential skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to thrive in an increasingly digital world. We aim to foster a passion for learning in the subject and to cultivate a sense of confidence and creativity in our students when interacting with technology.

Our curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils:

  • Understand the importance of digital literacy: We want every child to be proficient in using technology safely and responsibly, understanding its role in everyday life.
  • Develop computational thinking: By engaging in problem-solving activities, pupils will learn how to break down complex tasks into manageable parts, enabling them to approach challenges systematically.
  • Create and innovate: Our students will engage in projects that encourage coding, programming, and digital creation, fostering an environment where creativity can flourish.
  • Prepare for the future: By covering essential skills from the National Curriculum, we prepare our pupils for future educational opportunities and potential careers in the technology sector, ensuring they are prepared for the demands of the modern world.

Intent Linked to Our School Values:

  • Childhood & Play: Through computing, we want to provide first hand opportunities for children to explore and investigate a range of technological devices and programs to support their learning of algorithms, debugging and programming.
  • Respect for ourselves and our environment: We teach all children about the importance of online safety, being respectful of others and keeping ourselves safe. This is revisited on numerous occasions throughout the year as part of our Computing and PSHE curriculum but also during focus days such as Safer Internet Day and Children's Mental Health Week.
  • Equality & Diversity: Our school is committed to ensuring that all children have access to a modern, ambitious and relevant curriculum that will inspire the learners whilst developing their capacity to be effective digital citizens.  Children consider the contribution of people from different genders and backgrounds. We also focus on STEM careers and interact with individuals and companies, challenging stereotypes whenever and wherever we can.
  • Perseverance and Resilience: Children learn best by investigating and experimenting for themselves in order to learn and improve.  We promote Computation Thinking from Early Years right the way through school to encourage children to tinker and debug independently.
  • Collaboration and Cooperation: Many computing tasks and activities involve children working collaboratively in pairs or small groups. They must work together to take on specific roles and cooperate to reach the aims of the lesson and to drive their learning forward. 


At Witton Gilbert we follow the NCCE Teach Computing curriculum, which is enables us to deliver a structured, progressive programme of study that aligns with the National Curriculum while incorporating innovative practices. Our approach encompasses the following key components:

  • Curriculum Design: We follow the Teach Computing curriculum as it is a carefully sequenced curriculum that builds upon prior learning, ensuring concepts are revisited and deepened. Each year group has clear learning objectives and outcomes that are communicated to pupils, parents, and staff, promoting transparency and understanding.
  • Interactive and Engaging Lessons: Our lessons are crafted to be interactive, incorporating a blend of plugged and unplugged activities, teacher-led instruction, collaborative group work, and independent projects. Utilising a variety of software and hardware tools, such as laptops, iPads, Beebots, Codeapillars, Microbits and crumbles, we engage pupils in practical, hands-on activities that make learning tangible and relevant.
  • Cross-Curricular Links: Computing is integrated across the curriculum, enhancing learning in subjects such as Mathematics, Science, and Art. This interconnectivity demonstrates the relevance of Computing in multiple contexts and allows our children to apply their skills, knowledge and understanding in different contexts, enriching their overall educational experience.
  • Professional Development: Our staff participate in ongoing professional development through Durham SLA support and NCCE CPD to keep abreast of the latest technologies and pedagogical strategies. Regular training ensures our educators are confident and skilled in delivering the Computing curriculum effectively.
  • Online Safety Education: We prioritise online safety as a fundamental component of our curriculum. All staff use Project Evolve- Education for a Connected World at the start of all computing lessons to promote and embed online safety. We teach students about digital citizenship, the importance of privacy and data protection, and strategies to stay safe online.
  • Assessment and Feedback: Regular formative assessments are conducted to monitor pupil progress, enabling timely interventions when necessary. Teach Computing summative assessments and assessment rubrics at the end of each unit provide insights into the learning journey, progress and inform future lessons.

Technical support for computing is provided through our part-time ICT technician and Durham LA’s IT Support Service.

Cultural Capital in Computing:

Cultural Capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, skills and experiences that gives us the confidence to be able to talk, communicate, progress and take a full part in our community and wider world.  At Witton Gilbert Primary school, we promote equality through our commitment to developing cultural capital for all our children.

In Computing, children will learn about areas of significant computing interest such as how the internet was invented and what people did before it was introduced.  In addition, they will learn about famous computer scientists and entrepreneurs such as Tim Berners-Lee, Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

During their time at Witton Gilbert Primary School, they will also experience:

  • Workshops with new and current technology, delivered by subject specialists.
  • Careers encounters such as in-person and virtual talks, visits to Higher Education campuses and workplace visits.
  • Visits to museums that link to technological advancements.


The impact of our Computing curriculum is evident in the achievements and behaviours of our pupils:

  • Increased Confidence and Skills: Pupils demonstrate high levels of confidence in using a range of technologies and software. They are capable of applying their skills creatively and are enthusiastic about learning more.

  • Academic Achievement: Our assessment data illustrate that pupils consistently meet or exceed age-related expectations in Computing. Many children express a strong interest in pursuing further study or careers related to technology.

  • Community Engagement: We foster a culture of sharing knowledge with families and the wider community through the sharing of WakeUpWednesday weekly bulletins, and showcasing pupil work on ClassDojo pages. This helps to bridge the digital divide and empowers parents to support their children’s learning.

  • Responsible Digital Citizens: Pupils display a clear understanding of online safety principles and frequently showcase responsible behaviour when using technology. This understanding underpins their ability to navigate the digital landscape safely.

  • Positive Learning Environment: Feedback from stakeholders, including pupils, parents, and staff, reflects a positive learning atmosphere where technology is viewed as an enabler for creativity and problem-solving. Our ethos promotes teamwork, resilience, and a growth mindset in tackling computing challenges.

In summary, our intent, implementation, and impact of the Computing curriculum at Witton Gilbert, following the Teach Computing framework, align seamlessly with Ofsted’s criteria for excellence, making Computing an integral part of preparing our pupils for future success.